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Version: 3.6



  • launchPuppeteer(launchContext, config): Promise<Browser>

  • Launches headless Chrome using Puppeteer pre-configured to work within the Apify platform. The function has the same argument and the return value as puppeteer.launch(). See Puppeteer documentation for more details.

    The launchPuppeteer() function alters the following Puppeteer options:

    • Passes the setting from the CRAWLEE_HEADLESS environment variable to the headless option, unless it was already defined by the caller or CRAWLEE_XVFB environment variable is set to 1. Note that Apify Actor cloud platform automatically sets CRAWLEE_HEADLESS=1 to all running actors.
    • Takes the proxyUrl option, validates it and adds it to args as --proxy-server=XXX. The proxy URL must define a port number and have one of the following schemes: http://, https://, socks4:// or socks5://. If the proxy is HTTP (i.e. has the http:// scheme) and contains username or password, the launchPuppeteer functions sets up an anonymous proxy HTTP to make the proxy work with headless Chrome. For more information, read the blog post about proxy-chain library.

    To use this function, you need to have the puppeteer NPM package installed in your project. When running on the Apify cloud, you can achieve that simply by using the apify/actor-node-chrome base Docker image for your actor - see Apify Actor documentation for details.


    • optionallaunchContext: PuppeteerLaunchContext

      All PuppeteerLauncher parameters are passed via an launchContext object. If you want to pass custom puppeteer.launch(options) options you can use the PuppeteerLaunchContext.launchOptions property.

    • optionalconfig: Configuration = ...

    Returns Promise<Browser>

    Promise that resolves to Puppeteer's Browser instance.