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Version: 3.13

Crawl all links on a website

This example uses the enqueueLinks() method to add new links to the RequestQueue as the crawler navigates from page to page. This example can also be used to find all URLs on a domain by removing the maxRequestsPerCrawl option.


If no options are given, by default the method will only add links that are under the same subdomain. This behavior can be controlled with the strategy option. You can find more info about this option in the Crawl relative links examples.

Run on
import { CheerioCrawler } from 'crawlee';

const crawler = new CheerioCrawler({
async requestHandler({ request, enqueueLinks, log }) {;
// Add all links from page to RequestQueue
await enqueueLinks();
maxRequestsPerCrawl: 10, // Limitation for only 10 requests (do not use if you want to crawl all links)

// Run the crawler with initial request